Saturday, June 20, 2009

How Can You Protect Yourself from Swine Flu?

On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised a worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 6 in response to the on-going global spread of the influenza A (H1N1) virus.
A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway.
How worried should you be? Should you panic? Take drastic measures?
I don't know, but if you are not following a good Shaklee nutritional program, you ABSOUTLEY need to reduce your risk of infection. Being proactive in your health gives you substantial protection.
Note: Viruses and bacteria normally don’t usually give advance warnings. But now you have time to make certain adjustments and have a stronger immune system within 2 weeks.
A strong and healthy immune system is more resistant to illnesses. But if you do get sick, your symptoms are not as severe, and your recovery will be faster. Bottom line--prevention is key. Ok, so maybe you are healthy, but how about your 90 year old grandma, or your newborn, or cousin Bill who has asthma?
This new version of swine flu can be dangerous especially for people with respiratory illness or other underlying conditions. What makes this version of swine flu different is that it seems to have picked up genes from bird, swine, and human flu bugs. It’s a type of hybrid.
Swine Flu symptoms are very similar to standard flu symptoms. It takes a standard lab test to confirm Swine Flu (H1N1). Prevention is your best action. A stronger body is more resistant, and a strong body can fight back more effectively if struck with the virus.
(I know all about the Swine Flu, my son Dan had it in 1976, the last time it was in Michigan. He was just 9 months old. He went into a coma, and nearly died. Thanks to prayers, and good medical attention, he lived. We were Blessed.)
Here’s what I suggest you do:
1) Make sure that you are on the Shaklee RX for Life, including Nutriferon. This program has all the basic elements of good prevention. Vivix and Nutriferon both have immune strengthening properties. The protein in the Cinch program builds healthy immune cells also, and the Caroto-E-Omega (CEO) helps keep the membranes inside your nose, mouth and eyes healthier and more resilient to viruses.
You save $90+ each month on this program. Upgrade to Gold Ambassador, and with 2 members of the family on the program, you will get a rebate of at least $50/month on top of the other savings.
Being a Gold Ambassador, may make this tax deductible for you as well.
If you have a large family, make sure that you keep extra Immunity Formula I and Vita-C on hand for them. Rx for Life is preferred, but Vita-lea, Formula I and Vita-C will give a measure of protection as well.
2) Have some Basic H2 and Basic-G in the house. Use them to wash door knobs, sanitize surfaces, and to kill pathogens in the laundry. They are both safe around children and pets. And BasicG is verified to kill some strains of the flu virus, salmonella and 38 other pathogens. Keep BasicG wipes in your car and purse for grocery carts and public bathrooms. Grocery cart handles are especially germy [just think of babies and wet diapers sitting on those carts].
3) Drink 8-8 ounce glasses of water. Your body uses water in part to flush out viruses and bacteria.
4) Get good exercise! Shoot for 8-10,000 steps a day. Exercise strengthens your immune system.
5) Eat over 50% of your diet in raw fruits and vegetables.
6) Do not share your germs. If you are feeling sick, stay home. Swine flu is contagious hours before you have symptoms. Avoid personal contact with someone who is sick. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not shake hands. WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN!, but watch the hand sanitizers, they can be toxic, especially for children.
7) Cut back on sugar. Sugar lowers your immunity by 30%! Use the savings on soda, candy, cookies and junk food to purchase your Shaklee nutrition.
8 ) Keep extra Nutriferon and Shaklee Defend & Resist on hand. As soon as you start to feel sick, start with the Defend & Resist. When you are sick, you can double or triple the Nutriferon you are taking. Get better in 3 days instead of 7.
9) Get an AirSource. It reduces pathogens and molds in your home. If you are a Gold Ambassador, your net cost is as low as $500 and could be tax deductible.
You may think Shaklee is expensive, but what is your life, or your child's life worth? Cheaper brands will not give you the same results. Check out the Landmark study on supplementation if you have doubts.
In addition to strengthening your immune system, and lowering your risk of swine flu, you will also accomplish the following:-sleep better, have a reduction of food cravings, experience better concentration, lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, lose weight, have more energy and vitality, see improvements in your skin, lower risks of all diseases, balance blood sugar, and have fewer doctor’s appointments.

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