Saturday, April 24, 2010

Manage Type 2 Diabetes With The Help Of QUALITY Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins & Minerals

In the 1980's Nutritional supplements for type 2 diabetes had more than a bit controversial status. That's all changed.

Vitamins and minerals play an important part in a healthy eating plan for everyone, but especially diabetics. Maybe we should be able to get the vitamins and minerals needed each day from our food choices but, for most of us, this is definitely a “hit and miss” process. And people who have type 2 diabetes [especially those who do not follow their diets] need the right combination of vitamins and minerals.

A high potency multi-vitamin should be part of the nutrition plan of those with type 2 diabetics. Congratulations if you think you are getting all the nutrients you need from food, but let's be honest about it, you probably are not, so what's the harm in taking a multivitamin every day? There is none!

Today there are supplements for every condition you can possibly have. However, you most likely don’t need 60-80% of the supplements out there but because of your health challenges a multi-vitamin is one you do need to take--one which contains sufficient amounts of vitamins C, D, E, and B-complex vitamins.

You still need to try to get as many vitamins and minerals as you can from the food you eat. And while food should be the best source, there are a few other minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, etc. which you might want to consider getting in supplement form. Like...

Whey or Soy Protein: Whey protein are two of the highest quality proteins available. Bodybuilders know that taking protein will maximize muscle building and repair muscle tissue after intense workouts. Not only can the right protein improve muscle mass, it heightens your immune system and helps keep you on a healthier path.

Omega-3 fatty acids: If you are not getting enough omega-3s from fish [more than 3 servings a week], you may want to try a supplement. These fats actually help to reduce fat in your blood vessels, improve the amounts of good cholesterol you have in your body, and reduce apoproteins, considered to be sensitive indicators of diabetes management.

Chromium: Chromium has been called the diabetes mineral. That’s because it helps glucose enter your cells. Many people who have type 2 diabetes are deficient in chromium. A lack of chromium has also been discovered in people who are obese.

Chromium helps to not only regulate fasting blood sugars and reduce glycosylated hemoglobin and insulin values, it also helps to reduce your cholesterol levels.

The medical community has decided that supplementation is extremely safe for type 2 diabetics, especially when compared to the outcome of developing various diabetic complications because of a lack of one or more of the nutrients listed above.

Not taking proper nourishment will give you a sluggish metabolism.
It is essential to keep your blood sugar steady. Get vitamins and minerals you need for nutritional insurance.

Would you like more information about a safe alternative way to handle your type 2 diabetes? Please check out our nutritional supplements on our website:

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