Monday, April 26, 2010

Not taking Vitamin K? You Should...

Vitamin K Intake Linked To Decreased Risk Of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
April 26, 2010 by Personal Liberty News Desk

According to a new study recently presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, people who consume a diet rich in vitamin K may have a considerably decreased risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

For the study, a research team from the Mayo Clinic recruited 603 newly diagnosed Non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients as well as 1,007 control participants and had them answer food questionnaires regarding their dietary intake two years prior to enrollment in the trial.

Lead investigator James Cerhan and his colleagues found that respondents who had a vitamin K intake in the top quartile of the study had a 45 percent lower risk of being diagnosed with the disease compared to those in the bottom 25 percent. They also discovered that the link remained after accounting for a variety of risk factors, including age, sex, obesity and smoking.

"Whether the protective effect we observed is due to vitamin K intake, or some other dietary or lifestyle exposure, cannot be definitely assessed in this study," said Cerhan. "But these findings add to a lot of other data that support a diet that includes plenty of green leafy vegetables in order to prevent many cancers as well as other diseases."

[Text taken from:]

Shaklee has Vitamin K in several nutritional supplements:
OsteoMatrix -
VitaLea -
VitaLea Gold -

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