Thursday, January 15, 2009

What IS Optimal Health?

Optimal Health for you may not be the same as for me.

My body needs are different than yours, they're even different than my childrens' [you might think we'd need the same nutrients since they have my DNA, but no]. Everyone has a different set of requirements.

So... What is optimal?

First of all, optimal health is not normal. What we percieve as normal health is not healthy. Normal is what we are living right now. Normal is catching a cold twice or more a year and taking drugs to mask the symptoms.

Normal is getting the flu. Normal is tired, and cranky and mostly undernourished even though we consume thousands of calories per day. We are not healthy.

I want to be healthy, therefore I want Optimal Health, for myself and my current and my future clients... I want an optimal health that comes from a strong relationship with God, from listening to my body and treating it as the Temple He wants it to be.

I believe the Power that created our bodies, heal our bodies, with the earthly help of people like myself who want to show others how to live an optimally healthy life. I want Homeostasis--a state of internal balance and stability and no disease--hence this blog.

Visit my website to learn more about how I help others gain this good health.

More to come.
