Saturday, April 30, 2011

Special Earth Day Healthy Home Kit:

YOU get to choose a very special selection of Get Clean® products that includes Basic H2 (16 oz), Two Spray Bottles, Get Clean Super Microfiber Cleaning Cloths, Get Clean Dish Wash Liquid Concentrate, Get Clean Fresh Laundry Concentrate (32 oz), and Shaklee Energy™. Only available at the time of sponsoring, Member Price $30. #59729


NOTE: Join Shaklee Free with a $30 Order a $21.15 SAVINGS

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April's Contest Winners are...

MADALYN & DAVID MCCLARY, from Southfield.

They are April's WINNERS of my Shaklee monthly contest. They win a Flower of the Month gift from Blossom Florists @ 7344 Allen Road in Allen Park: (313) 389-5900

CONGRATULATIONS to the McClarys...long-time Shaklee clients.

Thanks to everyone who purchased Shaklee this month. A new contests starts in the morning.


Monday, April 18, 2011

State University of New York (SUNY) Breaking News

From Dr. Jamie McManus and Les Wong. Announced Wednesday in the Shaklee Health Sciences call.

A Shaklee study showing that a resveratrol and muscadine polyphenol-based supplement (Vivix) suppresses the oxidative and inflammatory stress response to eating a high fat, high carbohydrate fast food meal -- has now been published in a peer-review journal.

The supplement was specifically shown to stimulate the activity of a key regulator of the body's antioxidant defense system, Nrf-2, and induce the expression of related antioxidant genes.

This is the proof we've all been waiting for!

This is huge news --- because inflammation is now proving to be the underlying cause of many of our most prevalent diseases...

A Resveratrol and Polyphenol Preparation Suppresses Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress Response to a High-Fat, High-Carbohydrate Meal.

Background: High-fat, high-carbohydrate (HFHC) meals are known to induce oxidative and inflammatory stress, an increase in plasma endotoxin concentrations, and an increase in the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 (SOCS-3).

Purchase VIVIX here:

[Linda & John Pastor are Independent Representatives of Shaklee International]

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A-Z Issues -- M --Shaklee Nutritional Supplements, Essential For Good Health

MEMORY IMPROVEMENT: (investigate estrogen dominance)
1. LECITHIN CAPSULES: improves brain circulation; nourishes brain cells
2. B COMPLEX: nourishes neuro-transmitters
3. GINKGO BILOBA (Shaklee MENTAL ACUTIY): improves oxygen/hormones/nutrient availability to the brain
4. HERBAL LAXATIVE: detoxifies body toxins
5. LIVER DTX: reduce toxin load
6. OPTIFLORA: reduce toxin load, maintains a healthy balance of intestinal microflora
7. CoQHEART: energize every cell
8. ALFALFA: mineral smorgasbord
9. CorENERGY (Ginseng/Cordeceps): Increase oxygen availability to cells

Visit our website to order: